Spring Into Comfort: Your Essential HVAC Maintenance Checklist
Temperatures will be warming up soon, which means it’s time to think about your HVAC unit’s seasonal maintenance needs. So, while you’re preparing for warmer temps… don’t forget to check out this handy Spring HVAC Maintenance Checklist before you turn on your air conditioner for the season.
Give Your A/C Some Breathing Room
Give your unit a little breathing room! As a part of your Spring HVAC maintenance plan, it’s important to remember to check your outdoor unit and clear it of any debris that may have accumulated in the off-season. This can include things like plant overgrowth, fallen debris, dirt, dust & pollen.
To improve the overall longevity of your HVAC unit and increase energy efficiency ensure your air conditioner has room to breathe. Removing any seasonal debris or trimming back overgrowth will allow for better airflow by lessening the strain on your HVAC unit. Ideally, you want about two feet of space around your unit in order to provide optimal breathing room.
Maintaining the area around your outdoor unit and keeping up to date with your system’s seasonal maintenance will help to improve efficiency. Saving you money on your monthly utility bills by preventing your system from working harder than it needs to.
Don’t Forget About Your Vents
Are you gearing up for Spring cleaning? While you’re tidying up around the house don’t forget to take a quick look at your vents. Dirty, dust-covered vents can impede airflow and pull unnecessary debris into your HVAC system causing system strain over time.
It’s also a great time to clear out any dust and debris that may have fallen into your floor vents. So, in addition to giving your vent covers a good wipe down; remember to carefully vacuum out any dirt or dust hiding under your floor vent covers as well. This simple practice will help to reduce allergens & keep your system running efficiently throughout the season.
Do A Little Dusting
Does it always seem like you’re dealing with more dust in your home throughout the winter season? If so, you are not alone. There are several reasons that can cause you to see more dust in your home throughout the winter months. One of the most obvious culprits is likely your HVAC system.
It’s a fact, most of us spend the majority of our time indoors during the cold weather season. This means that your HVAC system is likely drying out your skin. Shedding dead skin cells naturally also means adding to the dust in your home. This is because dust is partially comprised of dead skin cells. Because we tend to keep our doors and windows shut during the winter season we inadvertently end up trapping those nasty dust particles inside.
So, turn up the tunes and get to dusting. Not only will you feel better relaxing in a cleaner environment; your lungs will be happier too.
If you have pets in your home the amount of dust and dander build-up could easily be enough to agitate you causing your allergies to flare up & making you feel miserable. Spring is a great time to open up windows on warmer days and jump on ridding your home of all of that unwanted dust. So, turn up the tunes and get to dusting. Not only will you feel better relaxing in a cleaner environment, your lungs will be happier too.
Change Your Air Filters
Throughout the Spring and Summer months, we naturally accumulate dust, dander, and pollen inside of our homes. These irritants can flare up allergies leaving you and your family feeling uncomfortable. However, there is one simple step you can take to help to reduce those nasty irritants.
By replacing the filter on your HVAC unit you can help to prevent those allergens from being picked up by your system & blown throughout your home. A simple filter replacement doesn’t just help in reducing allergens. It also helps to keep your system running more efficiently throughout the season.
This is because a clogged and dirty filter can impede the airflow of your unit. Causing your air handler to work harder and driving up your energy bills as a result. Therefore it is highly recommended that you change your filters at least once every 30 to 90 days. If you have pets in your home you may need to replace them sooner. Especially if you have multiple pets or feel the affects of too much dander.
Check Your Smoke Detector
It’s a fact that smoke alarms save lives! This is why it’s extremely important to maintain your smoke alarms by testing them every month. You can easily do this by pressing the test button on each alarm. If your smoke alarm uses regular batteries, it’s important to note that you should swap them with fresh ones at least once a year.
Is your smoke alarm making a chirping sound? If so, it means that it is time to replace the batteries in your detector.
If your smoke alarm is making a “chirping” sound, it is a clear indicator that it’s time to change those batteries. On average your smoke detector should last approximately 10 years before it needs replacing.
Schedule Your A/C For A Tune-Up
The last thing you want when hot weather hits is an expensive HVAC repair. Proper air conditioner maintenance is essential to keeping your unit running at its best. Scheduling your unit for a regular tune-up will help to identify any underlying issues before they become a major headache. Helping you to avoid a major breakdown or more costly repair.
Having your unit maintained by a professional like the ones at Air Dynamics HVAC is an essential part of keeping your system at its peak performance.
Regularly maintaining your HVAC unit will save you money by improving efficiency and reducing the chances of an unexpected breakdown. It will also help to extend the overall lifespan of your unit. This Spring, make it a priority to schedule your A/C tune-up with a professional at Air Dynamics HVAC.
Find Out How You Can Save on Your Next Tune-up with Our Air Dynamics Comfort Club Program
Remember To Adjust Your Thermostat
According to the US Department of Energy, the average homeowner can “save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply adjusting their thermostat by about 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.” For most Americans that means setting your thermostat’s home temperature to around 78 degrees in the summer when you are away from home.
You can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply adjusting your thermostat by 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day.
Keeping your thermostat set to a temperature that is closer to the temperature outside will help to keep energy costs low. Want to make things even easier? Consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust the temperature for you.
Check For Drafts
Spring is a great time to open up windows and let some fresh air inside. But, once that hot summer weather hits, you’ll want to keep the cool air your HVAC unit provides inside. As temperatures start to warm up its good practice to check for any drafts that may allow that precious cool air to escape.
Be sure to inspect and repair any loose seals, weatherstripping, or ill-fitting windows and doors. This will ensure that the cool air in your home isn’t escaping to the outside. Driving up your energy bills and causing your system to waste more energy in an effort to keep you cool at home.
You work hard for your money! Don’t let drafty windows and doors drive up your monthly energy bill by stealing that cool air away from your home. Make checking for and sealing drafts a regular part of your spring HVAC maintenance checklist.
This spring don’t forget to inspect and repair any loose seals, weatherstripping, or ill-fitting windows and doors.
Consider Upgrading Your Thermostat
Lastly, consider upgrading to a smart or programmable thermostat. With convenient features like Wifi compatibility, smart thermostats can do more now than ever before! In fact, smart thermostats are leading the next generation of temperature control by offering their users a ton of great new features. These new features enable your thermostat smarter control over your home’s temperature and climate. For added convenience, most smart thermostats will even allow users to adjust the temperature of their homes when they are away right through their smartphone!